Stop The "Mom Guilt" When It Comes To Your Kids' Teeth

  • Do You Struggle To Get Your Kids To Brush Their Teeth?
  • Do You Have Your Kids Brush Their Teeth On Their Own?
  • ​How Do You Know If They're Getting Their Teeth Clean?

The Bristle's Brushing Basics Series has everything you engage your kiddos in taking care of their mouth. Creating healthy habits that are so much fun they will ask "you" if they can brush their teeth instead of it being yet another chore, It can be a family event creating lasing memories!

Do You Want:

Your kids to light up with joy everytime you tell them it time to brush their teeth

Piece of mind that your kids are going to bed with clean teeth

Your kids to ask you if they can brush

To be able to see where your kids are missing 

Good Dental checkups

A way to creat fun memories while teaching your kids good oral health habits they can pass down to their kids

To know what to look for that may be an early warning sign of future problems?

You need: The Bristle's Brushing Basics Series

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Introducing The Bristle's Brushing Basics Series

The purpose of the Bristle's Brushing Basics Series is to help you tweak your families toothbrushing habits create your very own routine that engages your kiddos while learning proper techniques, giving you alternatives to a standard manual toothbrush and teaching you how to see where the bacteria and plaque hide to prevent white spots and disease.

The Bristle's Brushing Series comes with videos to show you step-by-step how to use what is inside your FREE Interactive Box that's made to create good oral health habits in only a few minutes each day, I wish I would have had known I could brush my daughters teeth without toothpaste when she was little. Instead I fought her and let her brush on her  own. Knowing better as a Dental Hygienist, talk about Mom guilt! I have lived the Struggle and wished I would have picked my battles differently! If I can save you the pain and heart ache I have done my job!

Video #1: Welcome To The Bristle's Brushing Basics Box

Video #2:

Proper Brushing Basics & Techniques

Video #3: Testing Your Kids' Tooth Brushing Skills

Video #4: 

Using The Special Brush In The Box

"If You Think You CAN or You Think You Can't - You're Right!"

- Henry Ford

"The things you regret most in life are the missed opportunities you didn't take."

- Lewis Carroll

About the Healthy Mouth Movement Team

 Sheree Wertz is a Mom, Dental Hygienist, Oral Health Coach, Oral Myofacial Therapist, best selling author, and successful serial entrepreneur. She has a passion for bringing awareness to the connection the mouth has to the overall health of our body through the Healthy Mouth Movement.  As a kid she was teased and judged by the color of her teeth which effected her self esteem, her goal is to prevent other kids from feeling the way she did growing up and teach parents what to look early before it is a problem, costly and painful to treat. 

  Bristles is an experienced Bug Busting entrepreneur and has helped numerous kids stop cavities before they start. He brings a wealth of knowledge about what action you can take at home to create fun family memories around oral health that will last a lifetime, and be passed down generation to generation.  He has a wide range of skills from Brushing to dancing and his favorite thing to do is meet is bug busting friends at live events. 

What Is In The Free Box?

A Blueprint to create good oral health habits

Everyone has different needs. Learn to start with the basics we include tips and tools for you and your family to customize what works for you. Follow the steps and see where you may be missing and just how easy it is to make a small change for a big impact.

How to video's 

You will get access to videos explaining how to use what's in the box and a private member's Facebook group to get access to resources, and be able to ask questions and get answers.

Flossing Do's, Don'ts and Alternatives

Flossing is not for everyone! No Flossing guilt here! There are options if you can't wrap your mind around flossing try the alternative method.

Tongue Health

It is about more than just brushing your tongue. We provide you with a list of all of the necessary things you should be looking for when it comes to the health of your childs mouth. 

System For Getting Results 

We show you proven methods for getting results, it is information you may or may not have heard of before. There are simple tweaks you can make at home that will make all the difference for your child as they grow. Make tooth brushing fun while creating healthy habits and memories that will last a lifetime! 

Give your kids something to talk about!

There is no doubt that people like to see visible results. So why aren't dentists doing this in their offices? Giving kids the chance to see and feel the importance of getting the plaque off. What if your kids could see where they are missing when brushing? What if you could see your brushing results immediately?

What if brushing & flossing daily is not enough? 

You've probably been told to brush and floss daily, but what if you need to do more? Virtually everyone brushes their teeth even if it is only once a day!  What if that is not enough? Why do some people get cavities and other don't?  It could be something you did not even know to look for.

Do you struggle to get your kids to brush?

Cavities are the #1 preventable childhood disease. With all the information, various products and services available these days.. WHY? Chances are there are things you did not even know to look for. I have been a dental hygienist for over 30 years and I wish I knew what I know now when my daughter was little. 

Why You Need The Bristles Bushing Basics Series?

Did you know that besides cavities being the #1 preventable childhood disease, one out of two of us have gingivitis? Bleeding gums Just a few simple tweaks and we can reverse both of those dental diseases! So why isn't everyone taking action? The answer is simple, they just don't know it exists. Dental disease is silent disease. What if you could not only have this information for your family you could share it with loved ones and create a movement where we you could help each other stop dental disease in it's tracks. Most people say they don't have time or money to care for their teeth. They think it starts in a dental office. The truth is a healthy mouth starts at home with you!

STEP #1 Order Your Video Series Today

In this video series you get with it a free box that has everything you need to brush your kids teeth. In the video's, we will explain more about the Bristles brushing Basics Box, outline an overview of everything in the program, and help you get started towards helping your kids have a healthy mouth. The bacteria in your mouth is familial meaning we pass the bacteria by kissing, sharing cups, straws and utensils. So a healthy mouth is important for everyone.

STEP #2 While You Wait For Your Free Box

The best way to achieve any goal is to start with a plan of action. A healthy mouth is no different. In order to obtain a healthy mouth we need to start with the basics Brushing. A good toothbrushing plan starts with proper technique. You will need to decide which brush to use. We show you how to angle the brush to get the maximum results. .You will receive an email with the details while you wait on your box to arrive.
STEP #3 When Your Box Arrives
Using the tools that come in the box you implement  will get your kids engaged. Here is where we make fun memories! We have a video that outlines step-by-step how to put you new brushing skills to the test. This is a fun entertaining experiment for everyone in the family.
STEP #4 How To Use The Box 
I like to stick with one thing until I master it. Yet sometimes we need more that one option to reach our goals. This is why you may need to use the different products that come in the box. Use them all in one day or stretch it out for a whole month. It takes 66 day to create a habit. Change your Habits change your life!

But Wait, Why You Mouth So Important...

Imagine if you could not only save money at the Dentist, but you could also save on healthcare too

One Out Of Two People In the U.S. Have Ginigivitis 

Bleeding is not normal. Ginigivits is inflamation of the gums. It is 100% preventable with and reversible proper brushing!

Cavites Are Not Just Something Kids Get

It is not inevitble your kids will get cavites. You can take control and stop cavires before they happen. Your mouth is an early warning system if your kids have dental didesase there is a root cause. What is it?

Flossing is Another Tool 

Flossing is not something every kid will need to do. If your child has the normal spacing flossing may be something you can skip if you are taking the time to brush properly.

Diet is an Important Part of Keeping Our Kids Healthy

What better way to stay healthy and connected than taking the time to sit down and share a meal. Chewing is another way we can keep our kids mouth and body healthy. 

Take Toothbrushing Out of The Bathroom

Show tell do this is how our kids learn, toothbrushing is no different. Our kids do what we do, so we need to set a good example. We have included a fun craft prodject that engages your kids about toothbrushing outside of the bathroom where alot of the times we are rushed to brush.

Tracking Your Childs Progress

You can also use the journal to trach your chils progess rewards are a great way to stimulate engaement and get feedback on the process. You can copy the page to use over and over. There is one on the indie of the box also.

Songs, Fun and Games

Singing you childs favorite song is another way to get them to brush the whole two minutes. We have also included two song for you singing please. 

Two Minute Timer

One of the best ways to boost your child engagement is by creating a challenge. Challenge them to use the included timer and see if they can brush the full to minutes. Or you can let them brush for a minute then you brush for a minute getting where they did not.

What Other Benefits Will You See With This? Convenient oral health tools all in one box, instant success, excited kids, great ROI, reaching area you did not know were being missed, new tips and tricks you might not have known, easier dental visits, & so much more...

Hear What People Are Saying about Bristle's Brushing Basics Box:

"Bristle"s Brushign Basics Box stands out because I was able to see where we were missing within a few minutes, the kids love the tablets."
- Ashley S Mom of a fistey three year old and a six year old

"My husband and I have been struggling to get the kids to brush and have been tag teaming, Bristles Brushing Basics Box made it fun and simple to get the kids to brush at night." Thank you for this box! 

- Dustin & Gabby C. 

"There is so much conflicting information out there, who do you trust? This was easy to follow and we have been finally been able to help our kids see why we want to brush after they do.  This made brushing a fun expeience instead of yelling at each other at bed time. I am so excited they are not fighting us anymore about letting us get the back teeth."
- Randy S Mom of Twin 8 Year Old Boys

                                    Bristles Brushing Basics Box ($577 value)

​Manual Toothbrush + Specialty Toothbrush            ($11)

​Gloves + Mouth Mirror                                              ($10)

​Mask                                                                                  ($6)

​Disclosing tablets                                                          ($6)

​Floss                                                                                       ($3)

Bug Buster ​Bracelet                                                      ($3)

​Two Minute Sand timer                                                    ($5)

​Stickers                                                                                 ($5)

​Color Sheet                                                                           ($3)

​Official Bug Buster Certificate                                          ($5)

​E-Learning Fun for the whole Family, Save $ at the Dentist     ($200)

​​4 Action-Oriented Modules on how to use whats in the box   ($100)

​2 Brushing Songs to sing                                                      ($5)

​Brushing Journal Page                                                           ($10)

​Smiley Face Stamp For Journal                                            ($3)

​BONUS: Facebook Group For Q & A                    ($200)

Plus more

                                                                               TOTAL VALUE (577)


Become A Bristle's Bug Buster Today...

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